Are you...

An individual who has a disability?
A website owner?
A web developer?
An accessibility professional?

Your needs are our top priority

The accessibility and UX solutions Purple Lens offers are a direct result of that commitment. 

It’s why we strive toward an accessible world: Where people with disabilities can have the same, optimal online experiences as everyone else. Whatever their age, location, socioeconomic status, or personal background. 

Purple Lens serves:

A growing, worldwide community of individuals with disabilities. 

Creating equal, exceptional user experiences for ALL site visitors.

Site owners

Offering opportunities to: Better serve site visitors. Increase visitor engagement. Expand their audience. Avoid regulatory penalties. And (ultimately) grow their site and business. 

Web developers

Making it easier to build true accessibility into new and pre-existing website projects. (Because they can diagnose and solve potential issues, step-by-step.)

Accessibility Professionals

Streamlining and improving processes to increase productivity, reach, consistency, and work quality.

Where Artificial Intelligence Meets the Human Touch 

Purple Lens offers the best of both worlds

Diagnose accessibility issues


Provide effective solutions and the know-how to implement them. 

Without rebuilding entire websites from “the code up.”

The Purple Lens Toolkit 

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A visitor-facing Control Panel + Layer

offers visitors the ability to tailor your website to their needs.
(By itself, this assistive technology will not make your website accessible.)

Languages and translations.

Tooltips on elements.

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The AI-powered Purple Scanner

identifies accessibility issues —and shows you how to address them.

  • Full WCAG and landmarks checks.
  • A centralized location to add and update image alt text.
  • Easily apply and customize ARIA, CSS, and JavaScript fixes from inside your content management system.
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Help when you need it

from tutorials and extensive documentation to a freelancer hub and direct support from the Purple Lens team.

An unrivaled commitment to serving your needs — as your visitors’ needs change and technology evolves.

You have a direct line to our team. We want and value your suggestions, feedback, and requests.

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 Do you have an e-commerce or content site?

We have you covered with specialized plans and support. 
(Visit Plans & Pricing for current details.)
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  • • E-commerce tools for WooCommerce and Shopify• Platform-specific support.
    • Search and focus on products. 
    • Voice functionality that improves the purchasing
      experience – from navigation and browsing
      to checkout and payment.

  • Voice functionality for Google Chrome Voice searches for posts, navigation, and browsing.

  • Search and focus on content.

  • Integration for popups and AJAX

  • Expanded support for selected WordPress plugins

Try Purple Lens for FREE *Start your 14-day trial. (No credit card required.) Check Out the Plans

Get Started With Purple Lens 

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1. Download the Purple Lens plugin

• Add your website URL to your account.
• Choose your default language.
• Prepare to enter a world of accessibility and opportunity. 

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2. Install Purple Lens on your website.

Follow a few simple instructions and activate. (The technical side of the process is complete!)

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3. Scan your site with the Purple Scanner.

Run your first scan and start to see where you need to improve

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4. Configure your site. 

We’ll show you what to do and how to do it. (Need help? We’re here with resources, a community, and support to guide you.)

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5. Grow your business!

By making your site accessible, you’re doing the right thing and expanding your potential audience. It’s a win/win. (Start updating those marketing and business plans!)

Try Purple Lens for FREE *Start your 14-day trial. (No credit card required.) Check Out the Plans

About Accessibility & Compliance

Around the world, regulations that guarantee accessibility and equal access to physical spaces now extend to online spaces.

And just as with physical spaces, online non-compliance can result in financial penalties, costly lawsuits, and expensive settlements. On top of the costs to remedy the original issue(s).

A building that doesn’t have a wheelchair ramp and an elevator — in addition to stairs — is an obvious example of a violation. (As is a public building without braille signage.)

But the online world is a bit more complicated.

  • Many websites have worldwide audiences—which exposes the sites to the rules of multiple jurisdictions. (While a building must adhere to the rules of the jurisdiction of its physical location.)
  • Online technology and content are constantly evolving. A compliant website can become non-compliant due to design modifications, theme changes, and the publication of new posts and pages. (A physical world equivalent: renovations or repairs blocking a building’s access ramps.)
  • There are many different disabilities (and combinations) found among the hundreds of millions of disabled people worldwide.
  • Some disabled individuals may use equipment or adaptive technology while online.
  • Does a site work with — or hinder — those devices and tech?
  • Others may not have those same resources. Can they still use the site?

Simply following compliance laws doesn’t guarantee a website is truly accessible.

Why? Many requirements are mandated from the “top-down,” with limited input from the people they are trying to help. (And limited understanding of individuals’ personal experiences.)

The result: There can be a huge gap between the law and the actual needs of a growing and diverse community of people with disabilities.

The Purple Lens team works to close this gap and develop solutions that take accessibility to the next level. 

It’s why we solicited feedback from users with disabilities during the very earliest stages of product development.

And it’s why we continue to ask for and actively listen to feedback from everyone who uses and interacts with Purple Lens:
site visitors who have disabilities, site owners, web developers, and accessibility professionals.

Genuine, equal access to the internet is a human right of the 21st century.

Everyone should have the opportunity to fully utilize and benefit from the power of our online world

Want to learn more about the accessibility regulations that affect your site? Click the links below. 

Have Questions?

Want to discuss which plan is the best fit for you?

Reach out to us. (We’re here to help!)

    Preview Purple Lens — on Your Site!

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    • Download the version of the plugin that’s compatible for your site.
    • Try out the plan you’re considering. 
    • FREE for 14-days. No credit card required.