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Press Release | 16 April 2023

Usability over Accessibility

Web accessibility has been an issue since the internet’s adoption. In recent years, many software products and services have been developed to solve this growing need. Menashe Shani, CEO and Co-Founder of Purple Lens, aims to innovate on the traditional web accessibility offering by creating a software product that focuses on usability for all users…

Press Release | 16 April 2023

פרק 14 – הלקוחות שאתם מפסידים בלי לדעת – עם מנשה שני ושלומי שושן

בתחילת דרכנו בעולם האוטומציה היינו צריכים להסביר למה אוטומציה זה לא משהו נישתי אלא כלי חשוב לפיתוח עסקי בהרבה חברות. לכן כשפגשנו את מנשה שני ושלומי ששון – היזמים שמאחורי סטארטאפ נגישות האתרים Purple Lens – זיהינו מיד שיש כאן נושא חשוב לכל חברה ועסק עם נוכחות ומכירות אונליין.

Press Release | 16 April 2023

High Tech on the Low Episode 74: Usability Not Just Accessibility

Menashe Shani, CEO and co-founder of Purple Lens, aims to innovate on the traditional web accessibility offering and shift the paradigm to one of usability for all. In my podcast, I explore the many different facets of the world of high tech from development to marketing, to sales, to entrepreneurship, all with the goal of…

Press Release | 16 April 2023

Revolutionizing Accessibility: The Story of Purple Lens

Are you blind? If you are reading this, then probably not. But have you ever thought of how someone who was blind and wanted to learn about tech would read this? Also, probably not. But, startup founders, Menashe Shani and Shlomi Shushan, two entrepreneurs based in Israel, are looking to change that reality and make accessibility part of…

Press Release | 16 April 2023

Revolutionizing Accessibility: The Story of Purple Lens

Accessibility solutions are critical for people with disabilities to navigate the digital world. I was eager to learn more about what Purple Lens is doing differently. read the full article

Press Release | 16 April 2023

Accessible Internet For All – Hilton Supra Interviews Menashe Shani, Co-founder of Purple Lens

Hilton Supra, Vice Chairman of ztudium and citiesabc.com, interviews Menashe Shani, Co-founder of Purple Lens, who has set out on the mission of creating an equal and accessible internet experience for ALL people. read the full article  click here 

Press Release | 16 April 2023

Creating An Equal Internet For ALL – Menashe Shani, Co Founder Of Purple Lens

 Menashe is a passionate user experience designer (On & Off line) with over 20 years of expertise in product, interaction, and visual design. He is fascinated by people’s behaviors and interactions, and his goal is to deliver valuable products to people around the world. Menashe is a Co-founder of three brands for the Event…

Access to Accessibility | 24 March 2022

WP accessibility like never before!

Learn about the newest features on the market that we’ve added to make the WP websites you build not only accessible but also usable! Purple Lens are here to support, educate, grow and change the face of web accessibility on WordPress websites – come and be a part of the revolution! The top 3 reasons…

Access to Accessibility | 22 August 2021

Why accessibility is more than just a bad term, it is a dangerous one.

Or- how wording can shape our perception.    We live in a world in which the importance of terminology and the written word couldn’t be more important than it is. I believe the enormous power our words have must be appreciated and addressed appropriately, and I had tattooed the Hebrew word for “Word” over my…

Access to Accessibility | 22 August 2021

When the squares changed the world for the circles

Or – how frustrating modern accessibility can be.   Imagine a world in which the squares rule the land. The all mighty squares aren’t bad shapes at all! They are caring, they aspire towards equality and they are oh so understanding. Alongside the squares, living peacefully in squareland – live the circles. The circles are…

Access to Accessibility | 22 August 2021

Standardization as a standard.

Or- the reason standards are more important than ever.    Orientation. To me it must be one of the more-interesting concepts to annualize. Orientation isn’t a direction, as it isn’t an areal understanding of the surrounding. Orientation under the Merriam-Webster dictionary is defined as: “Definition of orient  (Entry 1 of 3) transitive verb 1: to direct (something,…

Access to Accessibility | 22 August 2021

It’s all about timing

Or – why web accessibility is just like your mandatory vehicle inspection   So, you checked your website. Maybe you used an accessibility tool or went all-out and hired a professional to make sure – your web asset, is in fact accessible. It doesn’t matter weather you did so to sleep well at night, to…

Image for How Accessibility Can Optimize Your Ecommerce Site
Access to Accessibility | 21 April 2021

How Accessibility Can Optimize Your Ecommerce Site

A challenging year for merchants, to say the least, 2020 led to a virtual standstill when it came to brick-and-mortar sales, and companies were forced to rethink their marketing and selling strategies. Online spending, on the other hand, saw a significant boost during the pandemic, and accelerated in an already upward trajectory. With ecommerce showing…

Image for The Importance of Web Accessibility for Your Business
Access to Accessibility | 21 April 2021

The Importance of Web Accessibility for Your Business

An indispensable resource that few of us can live without nowadays, the worldwide web helps us address a wide range of issues, find answers to all our questions, buy whatever we need and connect with more people than was ever possible before its creation. Many industries, including healthcare, education, employment, online purchasing and government services,…

Image for What is True Website Accessibility?
Access to Accessibility | 21 April 2021

What is True Website Accessibility?

Accessibility is so much more than a mere buzzword: it’s a vital aspect of modern web design, and to ignore or neglect it, could mean that you exclude a significant sector of your audience. While achieving true web accessibility for your website is easier than ever before when you seek help from an experienced accessibility…

Image for Intelligent Search for Content and Products
Access to Accessibility | 21 September 2020

Intelligent Search for Content and Products

When it comes to making an order for a product or service on a WooCommerce store, the majority of us don’t have to worry too much about finding the items that we are looking for. However, for those individuals who usually rely on voice assisted internet usage, WooCommerce shopping can be a lot more difficult….

Image for Keyboard Integration
Access to Accessibility | 21 September 2020

Keyboard Integration

For the majority of people, navigating on a desktop or laptop seems like it would be easy to do. All you need to do, we hear you say, is use the mouse or the touchpad to direct the cursor to where you want it on the page! What’s so hard about that? Well, while that…

Image for No Animation
Access to Accessibility | 21 September 2020

No Animation

When it comes to ensuring that your website remains accessible for visitors with disabilities and struggles, one thing that you likely don’t think too much about is the presence of animations on the website or application. However, animations—though seemingly innocent and inconspicuous for the majority of people—can cause concerns for certain individuals who struggle with…

Image for Screen Reader Integration
Access to Accessibility | 21 September 2020

Screen Reader Integration

For people who are living with sight loss, understanding the words that come up on their screens can be a tricky thing indeed. For these individuals, surfing the internet or using computer devices would be practically impossible without the implementation of screen reader tools. As such, screen readers are important tools for allowing a website…

Image for Voice Functionality over Chrome
Access to Accessibility | 21 September 2020

Voice Functionality over Chrome

When it comes to using the internet or computers as a blind, or partially sighted, individual, there can be a number of different challenges that you need to face. Unfortunately, the majority of websites are not set up in such a way as to make it possible for them to be easily navigated for individuals…

Image for Colors Contrast and Monochrome
Access to Accessibility | 21 September 2020

Colors Contrast and Monochrome

For the majority of people, seeing the world in color is something that is a wonderful experience—but for others, the world is not so bright and vibrant. Indeed, for people who struggle with conditions such as color blindness or other similar visual impairments, colors may not be as clear cut as they initially seem for…

Image for Font Size Options
Access to Accessibility | 21 September 2020

Font Size Options

When it comes to making sure that your website is accessible for all users, there are a number of different tools that you may wish to use. There are some basic ways in which you can make sure your website is accessible for people with disabilities, such as giving all images relevant tags for blind…

Image for It’s all about timing
The Big Picture | 21 September 2020

It’s all about timing Or – why web accessibility is just like your mandatory vehicle inspection

So, you checked your website. Maybe you used an accessibility tool or went all-out and hired a professional to make sure – your web asset, is in fact accessible. It doesn’t matter weather you did so to sleep well at night, to avoid any lawsuits or claims or even as a standard procedure – YOU…

Image for When the squares changed the world for the circles
The Big Picture | 21 September 2020

When the squares changed the world for the circles Or – how frustrating modern accessibility can be.

Imagine a world in which the squares rule the land. The all mighty squares aren’t bad shapes at all! They are caring, they aspire towards equality and they are oh so understanding. Alongside the squares, living peacefully in squareland – live the circles. The circles are a small group, they hold no apparent powers, but…

Image for Why is it a smart move to make your website accessible?
Technical Chat | 21 September 2020

Why is it a smart move to make your website accessible?

All too many business and website owners assume that website accessibility is little more than a nuisance. However, from a professional perspective, there are plenty of benefits associated with website optimization for persons with disabilities that you should consider. As part of this goal, our own accessibility tools and accessibility checker could help you work…

Image for Website Accessibility: Why it is Important for your Website
Technical Chat | 21 September 2020

Website Accessibility: Why it is Important for your Website

When it comes to improving your website, it is important that you consider optimizing your website for website accessibility. All too many people make the mistake of assuming the accessibility is not an important factor in their website management plans. However, this is not the case. In fact, website optimization for accessibility is actually a…

Technical Chat | 09 September 2020

How making your website accessible helps promote your website by Google ranking

When it comes to improving your website’s standing in the Google search results, focusing on improving the accessibility of the website can be an important part of this. Indeed, improving website accessibility is a goal that all website owners should strive for. It can not only improve your website’s functionality and usefulness for disabled viewers…

Image for ADA lawsuits and how they affect business owners
Technical Chat | 09 September 2020

ADA lawsuits and how they affect business owners

When it comes to running a website, it is imperative that you make sure to optimize your website for persons with disabilities. Failing this, you may find yourself getting involved with a notably unpleasant ADA lawsuit which, let’s face it, you probably haven’t got time to be dealing with! ADA lawsuits are a right pain…

Image for Website Accessibility and Site Speed Optimization
Technical Chat | 09 September 2020

Website Accessibility and Site Speed Optimization

When it comes to improving your website’s site speed optimization, considering website accessibility is an important factor. Website accessibility is directly related to your website’s ranking on the Google search results, as well as being important for improving the speed of your site. But how can this be the case? How can optimizing your website…
