Colors Contrast and Monochrome

Access to Accessibility  |  21 September 2020

For the majority of people, seeing the world in color is something that is a wonderful experience—but for others, the world is not so bright and vibrant. Indeed, for people who struggle with conditions such as color blindness or other similar visual impairments, colors may not be as clear cut as they initially seem for other people. As a result of this, browsing the internet—which is so commonly characterized by bright colors intended to draw attention—can become a distressing and upsetting experience.

However, there is an alternative for people who suffer from color blindness and the like. Different tools are available for websites to implement into their own code if they are looking to improve site accessibility for individuals who struggle to see the world in its true colors. Our own colors, contrast and monochrome tool is designed exactly to this end—to help people who struggle to see in color still get the full benefit and enjoyment from your site, just as intended for other individuals as well.

Color Blindness: What is it and How Common?

Color blindness is a condition which actually comes up relatively regularly in modern conversations, it can be argued, however a lot of people are not actually aware of just how common the condition is. Neither are they aware of the actual nature of the condition. So, what is color blindness, and how common is it?

For individuals who suffer from color blindness, the world doesn’t look quite the same as it does for people who do not have the condition. Simply put, the condition means that affected individuals are not able to see certain colors. Most commonly, individuals struggle to distinguish between green and red; however, sometimes, they may also struggle to tell greens and reds from blues. This can clearly pose quite a challenge, especially when it comes to browsing the internet which typically is bright and very colorful—all in an attempt to attract new viewers, ironically.

Color blindness is a condition which is said to affect roughly 8% of males and just 1% of females in the US. Clearly, then, this is a condition which is commonly overlooked but really ought not to be!

How Colors, Contrast and Monochrome Tools Can Help!

So, you want to make sure that your website is accessible for all visitors, including those who suffer from color blindness or other similar conditions. But how can you go about this? Don’t worry—the answer is actually surprisingly easy.

We offer a specialist colors, contrast and monochrome tool that you can embed directly into your website. This tool is designed to change the way in which your website presents colors, either by changing the colors; increasing the contrast to make distinguishing the colors more easy, or otherwise by transforming the website to a monochrome color scheme (black, whites and greys) so that people with color blindness can easily make out the content that is expressed on your website.

Here at Purple Lens, we have made it our goal to help websites and applications improve their accessibility for color blind users, as well as providing a number of other revolutionary online tools for sufferers from other disabilities too. Contact us to learn more about our products and tools today!
