Revolutionizing Accessibility: The Story of Purple Lens

Are you blind?

If you are reading this, then probably not.

But have you ever thought of how someone who was blind and wanted to learn about tech would read this?

Also, probably not. But, startup founders, Menashe Shani and Shlomi Shushan, two entrepreneurs based in Israel, are looking to change that reality and make accessibility part of the digital user experience from the start of the development process.

I was excited to follow up with Menashe after my episode with him on High Tech on the Low, “Usability Not Just Accessibility” to learn about his successful launch in Japan, which he had teased about on the show. Accessibility solutions are critical for people with disabilities to navigate the digital world. However, not all accessibility solutions are created equal.

Some may meet basic compliance requirements but fail to provide an optimal user experience. While others are overlay services that lack real depth to their solutions. I was eager to learn more about what Purple Lens is doing differently


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